
Pumped-Up Shortage


The Bush administration and oil refiners allege that there is a gasoline shortage in California and that the shortage is causing the dramatic spike in prices at the pump. As a motorist in the Los Angeles area, I see no evidence of a shortage. All gas stations have a plentiful supply, and there is no evidence of reduced demand. A shortage may be anticipated but it has not yet arrived. And even if there were a shortage, the cost of producing the available gasoline has not increased sufficiently to justify the skyrocketing prices. Profiteering by the refiners is the only explanation for the outrageous price increases.

Sylvan Gollin


* Why doesn’t the president lower the speed limit to 55 mph to save millions of gallons of gas a day? It would build up our reserves and, most important, save lives too.


Sarah Backus

Newbury Park
