
Taking Responsibility ‘as a Man’

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The article “Working the American System” (by Richard A. Serrano and Stephen Braun, April 29) was well done. Unfortunately, it showed what a wealthy, demanding father can do to politicians and clergy who are too easily influenced by money or persistence. What was done to release Carlos Vignali early from his jail sentence [for illegal drug distribution] could be viewed as corruption. Every one of the people pictured in the article who helped with Vignali’s pardon can be considered a shame to our country and legal system. If Vignali’s father truly wanted to do something good for his son, then he should have fully recognized his son as a man--a man who, on his own, made some bad decisions and should have experienced the consequences of his actions.

Dennis Rohn

San Clemente


Machinations always will be attempted by the influential and desperate. True reform [of the criminal justice system] requires critically examining our system’s core problems--and not simply decrying favoritism that flourishes in the interstices of a defective structure.

Evan A. Jenness

Marina del Rey
