
Roadblocks to School Reform


Re “Wake-Up Call for LAUSD,” editorial, June 8: Once again The Times feels it has the right to blame our schools’ failures on teachers. Apparently the educational problems in L.A. have nothing to do with state mandates, Los Angeles Unified School District educational mandates, the principals who run the schools, parents or students. Our education problems are complex, and there is not one single entity that should be blamed.

Teaching is an uphill struggle, the pay is low in comparison to private industry and other state jobs, the rewards are little and the public (with the help of the media) doesn’t see it as a worthy career.

There is a teacher shortage, and The Times is mandating more roadblocks by demanding merit pay and repeating its belief that teachers don’t deserve the salary increase they just received. If The Times wanted true educational change, it would write in-depth articles about what really happens in the classroom (not just one classroom but numerous ones), in district offices and on the school board.


Clea Markman

