
Bush’s Caution on Global Warming Treaty


Re “Bush Turns His Back on Global Warming Treaty,” June 12: While global warming itself may not be in dispute, the continuing assertion that it is attributable to “greenhouse gases” and that warming is strictly a cause-and-effect outcome of modern human activity is largely a political agenda masquerading as science (and junk science, at that). President Bush is right to proceed cautiously and insist upon valid evidence for this purported cause and effect. There have been numerous warming and cooling episodes throughout geologic time-scales, which predated modern industrial civilization and cannot have been caused by human activity.

What is certain is that the flawed Kyoto proposals will hobble the United States’ economy while allowing much of the rest of the world to continue with business as usual, unfettered by the restrictions of this flawed treaty. Does it not occur to The Times that foreign nations’ enthusiastic support of Kyoto could be motivated by a desire to decrease the strength and influence of the U.S.?

Tom Herman

Manhattan Beach


Bush doesn’t think we have proof of global warming and wants more study. How about 36 inches of rain in your most-polluted city of Houston, with at least 20 dead, George? Look around and you will see many other instances of freaky weather in the last few years--unprecedented. Don’t study, just read the papers.


Is stupidity an impeachable offense? Tell Chief Justice William Rehnquist to get out his funny bathrobe, convene the Congress and let’s do Bush and “Old King Coal” Dick Cheney together. Neither one of them has a clue, while the rest of the globe seems to realize we are in desperate trouble.

Robert W. Lovell

Huntington Beach
