
Military Planes Find a Hot New Mission in Van Nuys


America’s fighters, bombers and cargo planes have protected the nation from foes the world over. On Sunday, the nation’s air force served its countrymen best by protecting them from the sun.

In the shadows cast by the gray wings of some of history’s most famous warplanes, aircraft admirers unfolded lawn chairs and enjoyed picnics. Outside of the shade, the Tarmac of the Van Nuys Airport baked during the second and final day of Aviation Expo 2001.

Organizers of the annual air show estimated that Sunday’s turnout was 175,000, the largest ever. Clear skies made easy spotting of the show’s planes and parachutists.


This year’s expo featured more military flyovers and fewer acrobatics by stunt pilots than last year’s, organizers said. The Army’s parachuting Golden Knights jumped from 14,000 feet and trailed pink smoke as they swirled to the ground. Roaring jets made the airport’s usual traffic of executives’ planes and TV helicopters look like sputtering toys.

Tony Prince of Rancho Santa Margarita remembers playing with toy planes as a boy. Pointing to his son, Prince said, “This guy here keeps me fascinated with it,” as he and his family enjoyed the shade of a World War II-era B-29.
