
Education Reform


It was annoying to read Michael Greve’s “School Reform Yields to Politics” (Opinion, June 24). It was just another in an unending series of conservative attacks on public schools using the perpetual mantra: Ted Kennedy and the National Education Assn. are bad; vouchers are good.

As long as Greve and his fellow conservatives continue to ignore the incontrovertible fact that test scores can be predicted accurately by the level of education of the mother in a household and/or the income of a family and the ramifications of that situation, education reform will continue to be, as Greve states, “business as usual.”

It is time for Greve and his ilk to come up with something more thoughtful than just another exercise in public-school bashing. As the old saying goes, ‘If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.”


Paul J. Markowitz

West Hills
