
It’s Tax Time


Tax articles by The Times, including recent special guides on preparing your 2000 tax returns and reports about tax issues and proposals, can be found at They include:

* Basic Tax Overview: Everything you need to get started, including quick guides, a list of commonly missed deductions, changes for the 2000 tax year, deadlines, downloadable federal and California tax forms, tax software reviews, local IRS office addresses and other help.

* Tax Strategies: How to get the most out of the tax code without getting audited and a look at key tax-planning issues.


* IRS Tax Tips: Answers to common questions directly from the Internal Revenue Service.

* Federal and California Tax Rates and Brackets: The combined state-federal tax rates at each level of income for California residents.

* Capital Gains Taxes: What you need to know about capital gains taxes, including the intricacies of mutual fund distributions.
