
Americans Opposed to Technological Progress


Re “Spoiled Americans Here; Big Bad World Out There,” Commentary, May 21: Norah Vincent tells us “insular, partisan dodos” that because we’ve never been “invaded by a foreign power” our views on the issue of missile defense should be summarily ignored. Yet I’ve not heard that George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld or Dick Cheney have much experience in this regard, either, so are their opinions likewise invalid?

Moreover, if Vincent bothered to take even a cursory look at the news she’d learn of countries that have experienced numerous foreign invasions--including France, Russia, China and South Korea--where the leadership and citizens are deeply skeptical of, if not downright opposed to, the deployment of missile defenses.

How would Vincent incorporate this fact into her suggestion that only a naive fool would pass up the chance to spend $100 billion on scarecrows in space?


K. Alan Kronstadt

Los Angeles


It’s no surprise that the Brits hated Vincent as the (ugly) American. I think this woman should seriously consider looking for another democracy to ridicule with her monotonous and angry insights into western American patriotism.

If she feels it is wrong for Californians to defend their environment and question the relativity of Washington power cartel insiders, then indeed, be my guest: Find a hut without power and a computer.

Liz Cotton

