
Marketing of ‘Potter’ Is Hardly Restrained


To say that Warner Bros. has shown “restraint” on “Harry Potter” promotions [“Warner Marketing ‘Potter’ With Care,” Nov. 5] by licensing “only” 87 tie-in opportunities allows industry spin to obscure the reality of one of the most massive marketing extravaganzas ever.

The reality is an avalanche of “Potter” products, from lunch boxes and figurines to trading cards and toothpaste.

And then, of course, there is the big one: Coca-Cola’s $150-million global promotional deal that is using “Harry Potter” to get kids to drink more of its “liquid candy”--exactly what we don’t need in the midst of an obesity epidemic.


Parents should try to do what Warner Bros. and author J.K. Rowling won’t: Save Harry from profiteering marketers.

Adam Arenson Center for Science in the Public Interest Washington
