
Serving Your God in Another’s Land


Re “Texans’ 104-Day Vigil for 2 Held by Taliban Ends in Joyous Fest,” Nov. 16: While I’m relieved that the American aid workers were freed unharmed, I find it hard to accept that their church would support a trip to a country where preaching Western values is outlawed. Actually, they are extremists in their own right. Your article says, “The Antioch church interprets the Bible’s scriptures as guaranteeing eternal life to only Christians and follows fundamentalist tenets, including abstention from alcohol, baptism by immersion and opposition to abortion and homosexuality.” Does this make them better than fundamentalist Muslims? Why did Dayna Curry and Heather Mercer feel the need to convert Afghans, as was alleged, in the first place? Didn’t this go out with the Crusades in the 12th century?

It is somewhat disturbing that only they were represented at the CNN news conference (Nov. 15). What about the other six aid workers? Are they any less important as individuals because they are non-American? However, I’m glad things turned out well for them, which is more than can be said for the Afghan people caught in our cross-fire.

Bruce Brizzard

Sherman Oaks



At last, worthy role models! All young people, from tots to teens, seek adults to admire and emulate. In today’s pop culture it has been slim pickings, with only movie and rock stars and athletes getting youngsters’ attention. And too often, though their influence is great, those celebrities’ example is lacking in values and is even shoddy.

Things are looking up. The two American aid workers, Curry and Mercer, imprisoned and then rescued in Afghanistan, are made-to-order role models. Start with their calling: helping the downtrodden and needy, far from home and with few comforts, which shows ideals, character and discipline. Then, imprisoned for three months by the Taliban regime for preaching Christianity, their steadfast faith sustained their spirits and hope. Presence of mind and courage enabled their midnight helicopter rescue, when they signaled their location by making a bonfire of their burkas. And recounting their ordeal to the world press, these two young women were well-spoken, poised and self-assured, The Times reports. And from their photos, they’re even radiantly beautiful.

Any questions? I rest my case.

Marsha Hunt

Sherman Oaks
