
U.S. Stance on Minors’ Rights Deemed Childish


Re “With Conservative Stand on Minors’ Rights, U.S. Irks Its Allies,” Aug. 31: I am fed up with those in the U.S. who insist that sex education is taboo, contraceptive services unethical and reproductive health services encourage abortion.

I was raised in an open, liberal household wherein, from an early age and often at the dinner table, my parents discussed sex, counseled us on contraception from the birth-control pill to condoms, encouraged abstinence and instilled in my brother and sisters and me a sense of self, honor and responsibility. My parents encouraged me to make knowledgeable, informed decisions that reflected my value as a person and as a woman. I chose not to have sex as a teenager and am married to a man who also decided to wait. Knowledge is power, and rather than withhold information, which thwarts the ability to make informed decisions, our politicians, church leaders and legislators should instead focus on helping parents and society ensure that young people respect their worth and then empower them to defend it.

Dee Anna S. Behle

Dana Point



So the U.S. wants to remove a clause providing special rehabilitation for girls who are war victims. It appears that Washington is now under the control of the Taliban. It embarrasses me as an American to have such cruelty being advocated on my behalf. This is beyond the conservative-liberal divide. These are young girls who have suffered beyond what we can imagine, and this is the response and policy of a compassionate people?

Fred W. Dunn

Los Angeles
