
Do Your Part: Buy, Buy, Buy


Maybe you are a young reader or a person of a certain age, like me, which stops you from donating blood or offering to physically volunteer to dig at the World Trade Center (in any case, they now only need professionals), and you find they are overwhelmed with food, water and clothing.

Still, you constitute part of the authentic bastion of patriots who still want to do something to sacrifice and help your nation. What can you do? I think the most important thing for citizens of any age--for themselves and for their Uncle Sam and as a tribute to the thousands who likely died--would be to call a broker and buy stock in American companies this week, and next week and the next. As we want to heal the wounded, we need to help shore up the U.S. fiscal situation.

I was reminded this week of an old cartoon in which a character clutches his head and exclaims: “World War III? But what about my career?” Yes. It “was” funny. Now, everybody wants and hopes to “go back to normal,” and I believe it will help if you start working very hard indeed. This, however, is a time to stop worrying about your future, your “career,” your nest egg. Become a willing consumer again.


Buy things! Do things! Go to the theater, to movies, to restaurants, to shops, to department stores and to sports events when they happen. Now is not the time for fiscal frugality. Buy magazines and newspapers and books. Stay informed.
