
Protecting Society and Freedom of the Press


How ironic. On Sept. 25 The Times reported on Page A3 that a group of Middle Eastern men repeatedly visited a fertilizer company and asked questions about the Air Tractor 502 crop-dusting plane. They wanted to know how far the plane would fly, how much fuel the plane holds and what the capacity and weight of the plane were.

Well, on that same page The Times provides a sketch of the plane with all the answers. Also, on Page A5, in case the terrorists don’t have this information, there’s a sketch of the battle group Theodore Roosevelt with all the vital statistics. Is there any more information The Times would like to provide?

J. Licari




My fondest wish is that the media would stop reporting and second-guessing the movements of military personnel and equipment. There was a World War II saying that is true today: Loose lips sink ships. Think it through!

Edie Rubin

Beverly Hills


Re “Poisoning a City Is Harder Than in Our Nightmares,” Commentary, Sept. 24: I’m very thankful to see the biological warfare issue coming out of the closet. I think the American people can handle it, and it’s the only way to get funding going. One comment, please don’t forget agri-terror. Introducing a biological agent that wiped out our wheat crop would have devastating consequences. Farms are often ignored due to the higher population density in cities. This would fit with the crop-duster theory all too well.

Jim Flynn

