
Mitchell Commission’s Advice Cuts Both Ways

Associated Press

The Israelis and Palestinians said Wednesday that they remain committed to the recommendations laid out in May by a commission headed by former Sen. George J. Mitchell (D-Maine). The commission’s recommendations for ending violence and reviving negotiations include:

* Jewish settlements: The report calls on Israel to “freeze all settlement activity,” including the “natural growth” of existing settlements. The report recommends that Israel consider whether existing settlements are “valuable bargaining chips for future negotiations or provocations likely to preclude the onset of productive talks.”

* Terrorism: The report calls on the Palestinian Authority to “make clear through concrete action to Palestinians and Israelis alike that terrorism is reprehensible and unacceptable and that the Palestinian Authority will make a 100% effort to prevent terrorism and to punish perpetrators. This effort should include immediate steps to apprehend and incarcerate terrorists operating within the Palestinian Authority’s jurisdiction.”


* Israeli military tactics: The report calls on the Israeli army to consider withdrawing to positions held before Sept. 28, when the violence began. It also urges the army to adopt and enforce policies and procedures encouraging nonlethal responses to unarmed demonstrators, abandon the blanket characterization of the current uprising as an armed conflict that is short of war, and reinstitute military police investigations into Palestinian deaths resulting from Israeli army actions.

* Palestinian military tactics: The report calls on the Palestinians to “prevent gunmen from using Palestinian-populated areas to fire upon” Israelis. The Palestinian Authority should “establish a clear and unchallenged chain of command for armed personnel operating under its authority” and institute and enforce standards of conduct and accountability within its ranks. The report also calls on the Palestinians to renew security cooperation with Israel.

* Economic impact: The report calls on Israel to lift closures on Palestinian areas and transfer tax revenue owed to the Palestinians. Israeli security forces and civilians should refrain from the “destruction of homes and roads, as well as trees and other agricultural property in Palestinian areas.” The report acknowledges Israel’s view that such actions have been taken for security reasons.
