
Arctic Drilling: Worth the Damage?


Re “Arctic Drilling Study Cites Wildlife Risk,” March 30: Has anyone ever heard of a government project that didn’t take longer, cost more, do more damage and get bigger than they said it would? The administration may say that little damage will be done to wildlife and the environment by drilling for the small amount of oil estimated to be in this area, about six months’ worth by the the most optimistic estimates, but we all know that once the drilling is allowed to start, it will escalate considerably.

The amount of oil found here could be more than equaled by conservation and developing alternative energy sources. If this administration weren’t so chummy with the oil industry, it would quit pushing for more drilling and do more to become less reliant on oil.

No matter how you look at it, we’ll never be able to find enough oil to satisfy our needs when we have only 3% of the world’s reserves and use 25% of the oil produced now. It’s just not worth six months’ worth of oil to destroy the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.


Joan Scott

Yorba Linda


The Senate will be taking up the ANWR debate soon, and I think there are many questions, pro and con, that remain to be answered. One that I have concerns the ultimate destination of the oil from the ANWR. It would be interesting to know how much of the Alaska crude is now being used domestically and how much is being sent to Asia. What assurance do we have that the ANWR oil is not going to be sold in a foreign market?

I hope the GOP is not using the “patriotic theme” to the betterment of big oil.

Paul Wah



While the Arab-Israeli conflict spirals into regional war, our government strives to build support for an invasion of Iraq. While our dependence on foreign and Near East oil steadily increases, our government advocates disruption of Alaskan wildlife to pump a six months’ supply of oil. While the Arctic and Antarctic icecaps melt and the global ocean currents that regulate the Earth’s climate weaken, our government refuses to consider any action to reduce global warming that might reduce corporate earnings.

Instead of farsighted and responsible actions we get simplistic platitudes designed to lull our concerns. Perhaps it’s time for a less arrogant, ignorant and selfish set of government policies.

Robert Wolf

