
Community Colleges Are Worth Investing in

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Re “College District Seeks Bonds, Another Might,” July 31:

Please support the funding measures asked by Rancho Santiago and Coast Community College districts. I have studied at four campuses to meet state requirements to get a teaching credential. After 30 years in the business world, all I remembered was a ‘60s expression, “High school with ashtrays.” What I found was far different.

I found dedicated and inspiring educators. I found students of all ages who are learning for the sake of knowledge and studying to improve their futures. And the cost is almost nothing. The biggest burden for community college students is books. Tuition (and parking) are bargains in Southern California. Furthermore, our Cal State system (I’m at Fullerton) accepts all accredited courses from the two-year system.

Go to the nearest community college and attend a class. You will see how much these schools add to our lives and communities.


Tom Sloss

Fountain Valley
