
Nigerian Couple Sentenced to Stoning for Adultery

From Associated Press

An Islamic court has sentenced a couple to death by stoning for having an affair, marking the first time in Nigeria that a man has been sentenced to death for adultery, media reported Thursday.

The couple, Ahmadu Ibrahim and Fatima Usman, both 30, were sentenced to death Monday in the central town of New Gawu.

Usman had become pregnant with Ibrahim’s child while she was married to another man, the radio and television reports said.


Ibrahim is the first man to be sentenced to death for adultery in Nigeria.

Previously only women were prosecuted and their children used as evidence, while men got off for lack of proof.

The decision came a week after an Islamic court rejected single mother Amina Lawal’s appeal of the same sentence for having sex outside of marriage, a case that provoked an international outcry.
