
Pass the State Budget or Brace for the Effect

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It is almost Sept. 1 and the budget that, by law, was supposed to be adopted by July 1 has not been passed. I suggest that a measure be placed on the ballot soon that would prohibit any checks going out from the state controller until a budget is approved and passed. I believe the uproar would result in prompt action by our quibbling legislators. What is the use of having a law if our own Legislature chooses to ignore it?

Sanford Rothman

Los Angeles


For most of the past several years Sacramento has been late with getting the budget ready to go into effect. And I have yet to see or hear of an intelligent reason for it. So I would like to make a suggestion. One of those groups that puts issues on the ballot should put one on that automatically deducts $500, permanently, from the salaries of the governor and every member of the state Legislature for every week that the budget is late. And the amount should never be replaced.

Diane Maril



I’ve written to Gov. Gray Davis, telling him I can’t vote for him unless he changes his views on paroles. Now I can add my disgust at his lack of leadership in our budget crisis (“Governor Sits Out the Budget Standoff,” Aug. 28). I can’t vote for Bill Simon because of his attitudes, lack of experience and other problems. Please inform us about the other candidates. We need your help to make decisions. This may be the first time I neglect to vote for our governor.


Shelley O. Smith

Granada Hills
