
One Terrible Act Should Not Obscure Fraternities’ Good Side


Re “Trashed Frat House Puts Hopes on Hold,” Dec. 7:

What about the good things in fraternities?

The experience that fraternity members extract from four years in college is something that has no comparison. Fraternities open so many opportunities for members to grow as individuals and develop into successful leaders of society.

Networking, a healthy social life, leadership responsibilities, service involvement and a real sense of personal achievement and confidence all derive from fraternities while we are earning our educational degrees.

I’m sorry that a few members of a single fraternity perpetrated such a horrible act, but I would hope that an educated outsider would not base a feeling toward fraternities, or any group, on one event. What about the other 364 days of the year? Do you actively seek to find all the good things fraternities provide to their members, campus and the community?


For instance, did you know that fraternity members are the primary group contributing money and volunteer time as counselors to send underprivileged kids to a free summer camp? Or that Greeks raise more than $30,000 every year for philanthropies and serve community groups?

I hope that society will approach fraternities with an open mind, rather than developing beliefs based upon a few terrible acts.

Ross McCollum

Pi Kappa Phi fraternity

