
A Better Way to Run the YWCA?


Re “YWCA in Orange to Unveil Plan to Keep Chapter Open,” Dec. 15:

The YWCA of Central Orange County has two large pieces of property estimated to be worth nearly $3 million. Why wouldn’t the board of directors restructure their debt to pay off outstanding bills and then develop a plan to financially stabilize the organization? It would be like a homeowner with $5,000 in credit card debt deciding to give away the house as long as the new homeowner promises to pay off that debt. If Executive Director Shannon Tucker believes that the organization has “outstayed our welcome,” maybe she and the rest of the directors who do not believe the YWCA has a place in our community should step down.

Allison Stanley

Huntington Beach


Let me get this straight. YWCA board President Diana Gentry and Executive Director Shannon Tucker have spent the last 10 years driving their organization into the ground financially. Now the community is supposed to go along with letting them hand over $4 million worth of property, free, to an organization that offers no local control? I haven’t seen the details of Arianna Barrios’ plan to save the YWCA, but it has to beat Gentry and Tucker’s giveaway plan.

Jennie Reiff

Lake Forest
