
INS Releases Haitian Teen to His Sister

From Associated Press

A young Haitian migrant named Noel, one of the 11 unaccompanied minors who came ashore with more than 200 other Haitians when their wooden freighter ran aground in late October, was released from INS custody Christmas Eve, officials said Wednesday.

Jimmy Noel, 16, was released from detention by Immigration and Naturalization Service officials and placed with his sister Chimene Noel, 24.

“This is the best Christmas I can remember,” the boy said in his native Creole. “It’s the best Christmas gift I’ve ever had.”


INS spokeswoman Ana Santiago said she believed Noel was the first person released since the boat carrying about 220 Haitians ran ashore near the Rickenbacker Causeway on Oct. 29. She could not say why the boy was released or when the other unaccompanied minors would be freed.

Miami-based attorney and Haitian activist Cheryl Little said the boy will still have to fight deportation, but could stay in the United States through the asylum process or sponsorship by a close relative.

Most of the adult Haitian migrants who came ashore have been held at the Krome Detention Center in southwest Miami-Dade County, despite protests from activists and pleas to government officials to free the detainees.
