
A Playbook for GOP Contenders

Arnold Steinberg is a political strategist.

The three Republican candidates for governor debate for the second time on Saturday. What difference will it make?

That depends to a large degree on how the two men challenging GOP front-runner Richard Riordan--Secretary of State Bill Jones and businessman Bill Simon--use this debate to confront Riordan.

How can they put him on the spot? And how can Riordan fend them off and make himself the guy to take on Gov. Gray Davis next fall?


Advice to Bill Simon: You say you’re serious but you don’t seem to have the fire in the belly. Besides, why are you still hugging Riordan? And where’s your big ad buy?

If you show us the money, it could be a Riordan-Simon race.

People will listen to what you say. Don’t be a policy wonk. Say Riordan is soft on Proposition 13 and that he would tax the Internet. Act tough enough to defeat Davis.

For Bill Jones:

OK, so you didn’t go to charm school. But you can remember to smile when you attack Riordan. And don’t act like you’re running for party chairman--be a big picture guy.

Go for the sound bite. Hit both Davis and Riordan on energy, Enron, Ken Lay. Argue not that Riordan is too liberal but that he is too inconsistent to oppose Davis.

Advice to both Bills:

Say that Riordan cannot win. Say it again.

Advice for Riordan:

Remember last year’s runoff election for mayor, when you endorsed Antonio Villaraigosa? You went with your heart over your head. That was 10 months ago and you’ve been moving left ever since. You’ve tried to pretend that the Republican primary does not exist. It does.
