
Maybe We Could Use Less (Old) Glory


I thought, when I saw the first Olympic hype on TV, that the Games were going to turn into a huge orgy of American self-congratulation, full of “God Bless America, we’re the greatest,” etc.

When I read Wednesday’s articles regarding our requests for special treatment about using the oversized flag, I was embarrassed. We seem to think that we are the only country that has ever had a national tragedy. USOC President Sandra Baldwin asks that they overlook “our innocence” when she should have said arrogance and stupidity.

I hope these Games can center more on all of the participating countries, and athletes, than just ours. It’s time, I think, to stop wallowing in our self-pity and over-exuberant flag waving, and realize that it is beginning to turn the rest of the world off.


Joan Scott

Yorba Linda


Now that the Olympic Games are here, I hope we as Americans can avoid the urge to turn the event into a patriotic sounding board and can appreciate the competition in the spirit of international cooperation (USA! USA!) in the spirit of interna ... (USA! USA!) forgive me, I’ll have to shout! I HOPE WE CAN APPRE ... (USA! USA! USA!)

Oh, never mind.

Todd Hemphill

Seal Beach


The 1980 U.S. hockey team deserves renewed praise for winning the gold medal at Lake Placid, but you should not forget the equally stunning upset gold medal performance of Team USA in the 1960 Olympics at Squaw Valley.

While the 1980 team faced Finland in the title game, the 1960 team had to defeat the vaunted Soviet team to win the gold medal. The score of that game--USA 2, USSR 1--was left on the Blyth Arena scoreboard for many years after the 1960 Winter Games.

Let’s give credit to the 1980 team, but the first “Miracle on Ice” took place in 1960.

Marvin Klein

Pacific Palisades


Forget Jordan driving the lane, Deadmarsh poking in a rebound, Faulk breaking off-tackle. I’m all for more superb action shots like Sasha Cohen [Feb. 3] experimenting with some makeup. Or Michelle Kwan straightening her stockings. Sara Hughes plucking her eyebrows.

It’s exciting photos like that that keep the Times View ... sorry, Sports section as good as it is.

Gordon Morris

