
Aging Calls for Putting Your Best Face Forward

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Re “No Wonder Women Feel They Must Have Face Lifts,” Commentary, Feb. 22: Not every woman over 50 feels she has to lift anything! Spewing nonsense like “aging women are among the least powerful segments of the population” adds to the myth that fuels society into thinking that what you look like is all that matters.

The commentary goes on: “Female disintegration from the inside out was long considered a normal part of aging.” Aging isn’t a crime, but society certainly tries to make it one. You can’t run and you can’t hide from the process of aging; however, you can choose to accept it, cover it up, lift it, stretch it or tie it in one big knot.

All individuals should be able to feel comfortable in their own skin no matter where it’s hanging. My proud 83-year-old mother is beautiful and says she earned all those years and cherishes them and her wonderful life. She is proud to show them off--a work in progress--and I think she is very wise, something else we all hope to achieve in the aging process--wisdom.


Frances Terrell Lippman

Los Angeles
