
Adding Secular Insult to Sectarian Injury

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I have a few questions regarding “Rubin Eyeing Developments in Prayer Case” (Jan. 22), on the Burbank City Council invocation controversy. I would like to know exactly what a “secular” prayer is, and what is the secular purpose of a religious invocation at a government function? If government-sponsored public prayer really fosters peace and understanding, then why isn’t the Middle East the most peaceful place on Earth?

Jeff Sloan



I find it shocking that David King, a Mormon bishop, resorted to a personal attack against Jewish Defense League leader Irv Rubin. Rubin’s protest, apparently the first in the 49 years of Burbank City Council prayers, is seconded by a co-plaintiff, noted legal scholar Erwin Chemerinsky.

Rubin, who happened to be at a meeting, believes that the invocation of one’s personal religious language is wrong and had the guts to speak up. Nothing personal.


Yossie J. Kram

Los Angeles


I have a brief nonsectarian prayer to suggest for the Burbank City Council and all other government officials who think prayer is an appropriate part of government work: This noble body is about to impose its intelligence and judgment on the people it serves. God help us all.

Bob Silberg

Sherman Oaks
