
Old Scandal Sheds Light on Casting of Stones


Re “Arguing, Through Repetition, That Liberals Caused Priest Scandal,” June 29: Fifty years ago, a huge scandal rocked my small hometown in western France (40,000 souls). The police, acting on a tip, had uncovered a ring of pedophiles whose members represented the cream of the town’s bourgeois society. Only one priest was involved (the provost of the boys’ Catholic school, in charge of enforcing discipline); all the others were married, with children, models of conservative ethics, pillars of their parishes. Not one homosexual among them. And certainly no liberals.

This was not to be an isolated incident; several other towns were found to have similar rings of pedophiles. Perhaps Michael Rose, the author of “Goodbye, Good Men,” should reconsider his theories and refine his research.

Therese Ballet Lynn

Laguna Beach
