
Invest in Integrity and Accountability


Re “Last Straw for Small Investors?” July 1: Corporations are cooking their books. CEO shenanigans are rampant. Company earnings are down. The Dow and Nasdaq have been plunging for over two years. Retirement investments have lost considerable value. Want to privatize Social Security, anyone?

Terry L. Malone



I find it interesting that drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge was justified as being vital to our nation’s well-being and security but the oil off of Florida’s coast, which is closer to existing pipelines and refineries, is not. What seems to be wrong with this picture?

It is also interesting that corporate integrity and accountability has become such a big issue with politicians of both major parties. This was not a big issue when the fire was at Enron’s door. Hopefully the “integrity and accountability” crusade will also apply to it when the prosecution parade starts.


Paul Wah



Seems like Al Gore has forgotten that during the Clinton administration, of which he was part, “let it rip” was exactly what they did (“He’d Shed Shackles Next Time, Gore Says,” June 30). Nobody paid any attention to the shenanigans hatched by corporate executives to bilk investors during that administration. Now the Bush administration and President Bush reap the blame. Gore should read his history books--if they haven’t been cooked.

Gene Gustavson

