
Paying the Price


It’s ironic to hear record companies express outrage that fans aren’t paying for music (“Technology Is Movies’ Angel, but Record Industry’s Devil,” by Patrick Goldstein, July 2).

Aren’t these the very same companies that, for more than 10 years, have promoted rap music’s singing the praises of every kind of crime there is, including cop killing, drug dealing, misogyny and murder? But they are shocked--shocked!--that anyone would fail to pay them for music.

For years the record companies have said, “This is what the fans want, so we’re promoting it.” But by preaching to fans that it isn’t worth paying for, the music of crime and alienation is promoting itself out of existence.


Real courage is in telling people that life is worth living. It’s time for the record companies to promote some bands that have the guts to try that.


Santa Monica
