
AT&T; Wireless Launches Photo Service


AT&T; Wireless Services Inc. introduced a digital picture service that allows customers to use their mobile phones to take pictures and instantly send them to any e-mail address. The Redmond, Wash.-based company said it was the first U.S. wireless operator to offer the service, which already is available in Europe.

To access the service, called mMode Pix, customers must attach a miniature digital camera accessory to the bottom of a Sony Ericsson T68i phone.

Once the camera is attached, the phone’s screen becomes the view finder and customers can take pictures by pushing a button. The camera can store 14 to 200 pictures, depending on picture size.


The Sony Ericsson phone retails for $199.99 and the digital camera accessory costs $129.99. Customers also must subscribe to an AT&T; Wireless voice calling plan, as well as its mMode mobile Web service.

MMode Pix is available for no additional cost beyond standard mMode usage fees.

AT&T; Wireless said customers also can subscribe to a premium service that will allow them to post their pictures to online digital photo albums.
