
Gunning for Hussein Will Multiply Our Enemies


Re “Hussein Ouster Is Backed,” June 17: What the world needs now is another Central Interference Agency coup to bring down the leader of Iraq. Let’s review the “successes” of the CIA.

The people of Iran once elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh, but we didn’t like him so he had to go. This brought back the shah, who so enraged Iranians he had to flee the country, and the Ayatollah Khomeini took over. We now have wonderful relations with Iran. Because former President Carter let the shah into this country for cancer treatment, our embassy was taken over and our people there were subjected to days and days at the mercy of Iranians who hated the U.S.

I understand there is a psychological one-upmanship battle between fathers and sons, which is harmless if you are not the president. Perhaps George W. feels we don’t have enough enemies in the region. He’s going to show Iraq who’s top gun--at the expense of many, many others.


June Chase

Los Angeles


While a bipartisan group in Congress supports the Bush administration’s call for the ouster of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, an even more convincing group of military leaders, apparently including Colin Powell, opposes an American military attack against Iraq. As long as the U.S. government follows legal and nonmilitary approaches to encouraging political alternatives in countries ruled by broadly vilified regimes, we are not likely to incur the hatred of militant political groups. But the use of force and the presence of American troops on foreign soil--especially in the Middle East--can only lead to more Sept. 11s.

Sam Gilbert

Los Angeles


Isn’t President Bush carrying openness in government much too far, ordering the CIA to do away with Hussein and letting the order go public? Come on! This is the kind of thing that is done covertly.

Charles Lauderdale

Villa Park


The key members of the Bush team, including Vice President Dick Cheney, spent Father’s Day weekend in Washington hammering out a proposal for an interim Palestinian state (June 17).

Meanwhile, “President” Bush, with his 70% war-on-terror-driven approval rating, spent the weekend hiking and doing yardwork at his ranch in Texas. Can any clear-thinking American really believe that Bush has any significant involvement in his own administration, or that he really deserves the high approval ratings he enjoys?

Steve Fisher



On June 14, Ohio State graduates were threatened with expulsion if, God forbid, they chose to protest a speech by Bush.

Citizens are arrested and held without the benefit of due process. Senior government officials orchestrate a campaign intended to create an atmosphere of fear in America. Right-wing zealots are appointed to sensitive positions throughout the government.


This is the America of Bush. Or is it Francisco Franco? They are of the same frightening character. When will we wake up to the reality that our precious nation has become a police state, with no end in sight?

Dan Freedland

Rolling Hills Estates


The Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which has served us so well for 30 years, was abrogated on June 13. This is clearly unconstitutional. Treaties are passed with the advice and consent of the Senate. Therefore, what right does a president have to abrogate such a treaty with no debate and no consent?

A group in Congress is suing to get Bush’s decree ruled unconstitutional. The Bush administration seems to have a “Father Knows Best” attitude that permits its members to determine policy with no input from the people or from the Congress. This is democracy?

Ann Edelman

Los Angeles
