
Andersen Show Gets Everyone’s Attention


Paul Volcker wants to keep the Andersen firm alive to foster competition and to make it the poster child of reform [“Andersen Sale Called Threat to Reforms,” March 12 and “Andersen Closer to Deal With SEC,” March 13].

The Justice Department wants the firm alive to indict it for obstruction of justice. The SEC wants it alive to determine if an entire firm can be barred legally from the practice of accountancy.

The UC Board of Regents wants the firm alive so it can locate the partners more readily: The board wants to skin them individually.


All true Americans want this show to continue. They fear a return to days when the highlight of nightly news is a local murder.

Will the other accounting firms, the Big Four, succeed in thwarting the country’s right to such free entertainment?

Harold Dilbeck

Santa Ana
