
How They Voted

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How the California delegation voted on the farm bill approved Thursday by the House:

Republicans voting yes: (9)

Mary Bono (Palm Springs), Randy “Duke” Cunningham (San Diego), Wally Herger (Marysville), Stephen Horn (Long Beach), Duncan Hunter (Alpine), Doug Ose (Sacramento), Richard W. Pombo (Tracy), George P. Radonovich (Mariposa), William M. Thomas (Bakersfield).

Democrats voting yes: (8)

Joe Baca (Rialto), Gary A. Condit (Ceres), Bob Filner (San Diego), Grace F. Napolitano (Norwalk), Lucille Roybal-Allard (Los Angeles), Hilda L. Solis (El Monte), Mike Thompson (St. Helena), Lynn Woolsey (Petaluma).

Republicans voting no: (11)

Ken Calvert (Corona), Christopher Cox (Newport Beach), John T. Doolittle (Rocklin), David Dreier (San Dimas), Elton Gallegly (Simi Valley), Darrell E. Issa (Vista), Jerry Lewis Redlands), Howard P. “Buck” McKeon (Santa Clarita), Gary G. Miller (Diamond Bar), Dana Rohrabacher (Huntington Beach), Ed Royce (Fullerton).


Democrats voting no: (23)

Xavier Becerra (Los Angeles), Howard L. Berman (Mission Hills), Lois Capps (Santa Barbara), Susan A. Davis (San Diego), Calvin Dooley (Hanford), Anna G. Eshoo (Atherton), Sam Farr (Carmel), Jane Harman (Redondo Beach), Michael M. Honda (San Jose), Tom Lantos (San Mateo), Barbara Lee (Oakland), Zoe Lofgren (San Jose), Robert T. Matsui (Sacramento), George Miller (Martinez), Nancy Pelosi (San Francisco), Loretta Sanchez (Santa Ana), Adam Schiff (Burbank), Brad Sherman (Sherman Oaks), Pete Stark (Fremont), Ellen O. Tauscher (Alamo), Maxine Waters (Los Angeles), Diane Watson (Los Angeles), Henry A. Waxman (Los Angeles).

Not voting:

Juanita Millender-McDonald (Carson).
