
Signs That Parents Should Watch For


Although a broad spectrum of people commit sexual crimes against children, many of these types of sex offenders have common characteristics, say therapists and law enforcement officials.

Some pedophiles who become fixated on certain children actually court them as they would potential lovers--what experts call “grooming” tactics--and seduce them by showering them with gifts and attention. They may bide their time for years until they have an opportunity to make a move, and often insinuate themselves as trusted family friends with single mothers or vulnerable families.

But even less pathological sex offenders use similar tactics. The following actions and behaviors may, in fact, be expressions of genuine warmth. But specialists in this field say they are a possible warning sign--along with a parent’s own gut instinct--of a need to be vigilant. Among them are:


* Adults who volunteer with children’s groups or activities even if their own kids don’t participate.

* Adults who buy expensive gifts--toys, clothes, video games--or take others’ kids to professional sporting events or rock concerts.

* Adults who frequently take the children of others on outings that will allow them to be alone with them, such as overnight camping trips or road trips for athletic competitions.

* Adults who do not have children yet show an inordinate awareness of children’s activities or fads, and may have books, videotapes or games for children in their home.

* Adults who insist on hugging, touching, kissing, tickling, wrestling or giving children back rubs or excessive physical attention.

* Adults who who seem too available for baby-sitting or for family functions.
