
Crusader System Loaded With Pork


Re “House Approves Big Defense Bill, Setting Up Showdown,” May 10: It is beginning to look like the Crusader artillery system is a giant pork-laden vehicle for the folks back home. Why should congressional proponents know more about the capabilities of this weapon than Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld? This is where our tax money goes.

How many readers realize how much $1billion really is? That’s a thousand million dollars, friends, in case you are interested. And this program is going to cost 11 of those big ones unless a stop is put to it. Add up the zeros and then get in touch with your representatives.

Jim Kerr

Laguna Beach


Re “Rumsfeld Fights the Good Fight in Bid to Derail Artillery System,” Commentary, May 9: Crusader howitzer? Who came up with the name for this artillery weapon? Why not call it the “Islaminator”? If any of the Arab nations called one of their weapons the “Infidel Yankee Slayer” we would be justified in being concerned about the core beliefs of that country’s attitude about us. I guess it all depends on what impression we want to project to the world.


Marc Sadoff

Pacific Palisades
