
Baseball Laboring Under Misinformation


In the article in which Commissioner Bud Selig suggests that six to eight major league teams may fold as long as the current economic arrangement remains, Selig complains that he can no longer see the continuation of funding loans because the sources are “drying up.”

Is the commissioner so blind to the fact that in today’s America, we often hold out a helping hand to those who need it (at least for a while). When the helping hand is no longer able, those teams should fold up their tents. After all, their owners want to sell for prices higher than the average spectator could ever earn in three lifetimes.

Who would lose? Nobody. What’s all the confusion?

Jerry Aronow

West Hollywood


With negotiations heating up between the players’ union and major league owners, the fans face a dilemma. Whom are we supposed to root for? The spoiled millionaires or the imperious billionaires?


However, when we consider that it was the owners who were convicted of collusion and forced to pay millions of dollars in restitution, and that the owners have steadfastly refused to open their books to a neutral party, and that the current commissioner, Bud Selig, whose job is to represent the mutual interests of players and management, is himself an absentee owner (of the Milwaukee Brewers), that decision becomes a whole lot easier.

David Macaray

Rowland Heights
