
Costly Medication Takes Food Off the Table


I, along with millions of Americans, received the new 2003 pamphlets from our HMO carriers in these last few weeks. Of course, the election has placed it on the back burner for a time, and I know that many Americans have not reviewed their pamphlet to see what the many changes are or just how high the horrific increases will be in 2003.

Some retired Americans will have to make the decision whether to buy groceries or pay for their chemotherapy treatments. I have a friend who will have to pay more than $525 every three months for medication that she needs to stay alive. When she found out about this she sat down and cried. I have another friend who is being questioned about a new medication that she had been given; the HMO says it is “unclassified” for bone cancer. This medication prevents her from having to enter a hospital for two or three pints of blood every few weeks. Yet the HMO does not take this cost into consideration when disallowing a newer medication.

I wish I had the billions that the U.S. has spent on all of these elections. I know where it could be better spent. No, I don’t know why the system has failed the American people. We give, give and give trillions of dollars to everyone until we are now taxed to the limit. Now we can plan to die because we can’t afford to live!


Edwina L. Hughes

