
This Week on Fox: When McCarver Attacks


What has Fox got against television viewers by having Tim McCarver be part of the broadcast team for the World Series? This pontificating know-it-all is personally responsible for the installation of mute buttons on all of the television remote controls. His constant yammering drives all the people I know crazy and makes me wonder if his salary is based on the number of words he uses.

Art Ficke

Long Beach


Let’s see, in the Fox commercials during Angel playoff games, there was: bombing and terrorism for “24,” rioting high school students and a baby discarded in a bathroom for “Boston Public,” hookers and men who drank so much they couldn’t remember or passed out for “Firefly,” a gynecologist diving into a woman’s crotch for “girls club,” murder and pools of blood for “John Doe,” and violence, guns, sex and bar scenes for “Fast Lane.”

Is this what we have to look forward to for the World Series? There’s always radio. At least during the commercial breaks we won’t have to answer our child’s question, “What’s a hooker?”


Jeff and Mary Norton

Chino Hills
