
Show That Blood Is Thicker Than Oil


Re “Blood Spills to Keep Oil Wealth Flowing,” Sept. 15: Our weakness for (dependence on or even addiction to) oil seems to govern our policies. What kind of world leadership are we providing? What kind of legacy are we going to leave our children and grandchildren?

Instead of fighting wars and spilling blood, we should be developing cleaner sources of energy and encouraging conservation. There is a great need for better urban planning to reduce congestion on the freeways. Young Americans need better educational and recreational opportunities. Instead of closing county health facilities, let us provide basic necessities, like food, shelter, education and medical care for all. Thirty million Americans do not have enough to eat. Let us show the rest of the world how a government of the people, by the people and for the people works for the peace and prosperity of all--not just for the CEOs of large corporations.

Arun J. Mehta

