
It Doesn’t Take Much to Get Them Teed Off


Am I wrong, or has Times golf writer Thomas Bonk ever written a column that didn’t include Tiger Woods’ name?

Apparently, Tiger is news whether he wins, loses, almost wins, almost loses, doesn’t play, almost doesn’t play, evaluates equipment, changes coaches, considers endorsements, comments on courses, winks in approval, nods in agreement, frowns in disappointment. Astronomers study distant galaxies less diligently than Mr. Bonk appears to study Mr. Woods.

David Macaray

Rowland Heights


“A First: Woman Qualifies for PGA Event” [Sept. 18]. Like many, I read the article thinking I was going to read about a woman golfer (Suzy Whaley) who competed with men, played the same course, and legitimately achieved equality. Then, I came to the qualifying statement indicating that she had played her three qualifying rounds from the “women’s tees.”


The Greater Hartford Open chairman said Whaley would have to play the Hartford event from the same tees as the men. I can already imagine the rebuttal we are going to hear from the likes of female activist-attorney Gloria Allred, and the strident representation from the National Organization of Women.

Gerry Looman

