
Plan for Universal Health Coverage


Re “Health Debate Takes Shape,” editorial, April 5: The Times has it right when it links the future of L.A. County’s health system to the major health-care reforms awaiting debate in Sacramento. The Board of Supervisors should support the restructuring debate to take place in Sacramento in the coming months. The temporary patching of the system has shown its limitation. This year and next -- with the severe budget deficits and cuts -- point out the need for the permanent restructuring, as the impact is most severe on those most vulnerable.

The board should seriously look at the most comprehensive reform, single-payer coverage, which provides permanence no matter the change in the economy. It also requires no new money from state sources, as was reported by the bill’s author, Sen. Sheila Kuehl (D-Santa Monica). The dollars to fund the single-payer system will just be reallocated from various sources, and the immense savings resulting from built-in cost-controls, such as global budgets, with a decrease in administration, all pour back into the health-care fund that will fund the system. Each year we postpone addressing this issue we jeopardize the health care of everyone. The campaign for real universal health coverage needs to be championed now.

Sheila Hoff

Chair, L.A. Region Steering

Committee to Pass SB 921

Rancho Palos Verdes
