
Education Secretary Fails Leadership Test


Re “A Call to Raise Bar in Classroom,” April 13:

I can’t be the only person troubled by our U.S. Education secretary’s remarks in Anaheim about the low expectations in our classrooms.

As a teacher at the much maligned Santa Ana Unified School District’s Century High School, we’ve already been told as much by the state. However, what I’d like to see from Rod Paige are real suggestions that are not steeped in political saccharine. As inspiring as the travails are of “one of those who could have been left behind,” I’d like to see him speak for the many -- and probably the majority -- in his Mississippi town who were left behind. Left behind because of lack of proper funding. Left behind because of money mismanagement. Left behind because of lack of support outside the classroom. And nowadays, left behind because of budget decreases and classroom size increases.

The last thing I need is the man who is in control of our education agenda telling me to do more while giving me less to do it with.




Santa Ana
