
Bishop’s Words Fall Heavily on Poor Parishes


Re “O.C. Diocese Will Slash Costs by 20%,” April 11:

“In a sign of tougher financial discipline, [Bishop of Orange Tod D.] Brown met last week with four pastors of parishes in poor communities who he said were habitual deficit spenders and told them to balance their budgets.”

Is anyone else disheartened and dismayed at the inequity implicit here in a church which claims that “we are all one body?” I recognize the importance of fiscal responsibility and I think we have to ask what fiscal responsibility means in a church which purports to be the body of Christ. Are members of poor communities any less entitled to the services and ministry of the church because they lack material resources? When was the last time pastors of parishes in affluent communities were summoned by the bishop to give an accounting of their stewardship?

Sandra Williams

Santa Ana
