
Shiites Enter the Leadership Vacuum in Iraq


Re “Rise of Shiite Religious Leaders in Iraq Gives U.S. Pause,” April 25: Why is the United States so concerned about the influences of Islam on a future government of Iraq and so insistent on the acceptability of Christian influence on government here at home? Frankly, they both scare me ... about equally.

Deanna Williams

Monterey Park


After liberating the Iraqi Shiites from over 20 years of religious persecution, political torture and all kinds of other depredations they reward us with the chant “Yankee go home.” Just proves the old adage: No good deed goes unpunished.

Larry Briggs

Twentynine Palms


It’s nice to see that the U.S. government will allow Iraq to choose its own government -- as long as it’s the one we want. I can hear those democracy dominos falling now!


Larry Berardino

Redondo Beach


Some Iraqis have said they want an Islamic state and need to see that the Americans intend to leave the country. I’ve never heard anything more ridiculous. How can you possibly lead a nation if religion is mixed with politics? If the U.S. leaves Iraq now, the Shiites will take over all power and control Iraq. Every moment of their lives will be managed. Everything they do, where they go and with whom they meet will be restrained by religion. Nobody will be able to choose his or her religion. Big Brother will be watching them.

Tania Sara Asef

Los Angeles


How much difference is there between U.S. soldiers stealing cash in Iraq, journalists stealing paintings and the U.S. stealing oil? If one is a crime, are they all crimes? Pogo was right: We have met the enemy and he is us.

DeWitt Lancaster

Simi Valley


Re “Hussein Loyalist in U.S. Hands,” April 25: As a taxpayer I’m elated that Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Tarik Aziz “turned himself in to U.S. forces.”

Now some of my money can be used to pay for his incarceration and giving him the finest health care for his heart condition while millions of poor working Americans have to struggle without any medical insurance.

Joseph M. Ellis

Woodland Hills


In response to an April 24 letter writer who asked “Is America safer?”: I’d ask her to remember 9/11 and then ask, “Where has the terrorism been?” It hasn’t happened because U.S. action in the Islamic world has removed a terrorist state and, through events in Iraq, kept that world on notice that opposing the U.S. is futile. If we find Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein and the weapons of mass destruction, all the better; the world will be at least a little safer. But even if we don’t, future terrorists (not the saps who would fly the planes but those who would put them up to it) can now see that a little more of whatever power they have will be snatched away each time they use it against us or cheer for those who do.

They have been the authors of their own humiliation. When the history of this era is written, these realities will be seen as President Bush’s most important contribution to his country and the world.


Bruce Kuznicki

Los Angeles
