
Gay Episcopal Bishop


Regarding “Episcopalians’ Opinions on Bishop Clash,” Aug. 11:

I wonder how long the applause would last for the “conservative” Episcopal clergy in Newport Beach [who censured church leaders for confirming a gay bishop] if they preached Jesus’ condemnation of divorce. It strikes me as odd that many clergy can so easily condone the true enemy of the institution of marriage -- divorce. Almost every broken marriage I know of had infidelity or drug abuse as the cause. I guess when the “moral issue” involves heterosexuality they give it a pass.

Perhaps divorce is a touchy subject for adherents of a church founded because of Henry VIII’s need for one.

Mike Warren

Los Angeles


The actions taken by the New Hampshire Episcopalians are an affront to Christians everywhere. I am just thankful that the church’s founder, Henry VIII, and his wife Catherine of Aragon, his wife Anne Boleyn, his wife Jane Seymour, his wife Anne of Cleves, his wife Catherine Howard and his wife Catherine Parr are no longer here to suffer through this assault on our “traditional Christian marriage.”


Owen Keavney



I can understand the bishops of the Episcopal Church voting the Rev. Canon V. Gene Robinson into the club (Aug. 6). After all, in the current climate, everyone in America wants to climb aboard the PC bandwagon.

What I can’t fathom is that Robinson, knowing the schism that would inevitably result from his controversial election, would choose to place his own ego gratification before the good of his religion. Vanity of vanities; all is vanity.

Burt Prelutsky

North Hills


Re “Episcopal Church Plays Russian Roulette,” Opinion, Aug. 10: Charlotte Allen suggests that because its numbers seem to be shrinking, the Episcopal Church must be on the wrong track. What concerns me as an Episcopalian is that so few Americans are interested in a church that doesn’t require its members to check their brains at the door.

No matter. When people are ready to put aside pat answers to life’s complex questions, they will find in the Episcopal Church a mature Christian community that supports independent thought and lively inquiry.

We are keeping the flame of reason alive at the altar.

Michael Witmer

