
Cornwall: It’s a whole other place


The “Cornwall district of England?” You couldn’t have picked a phrase more guaranteed to deeply offend the Cornish than this one [“In Cornwall, an Eco-Vision of Eden,” July 27]. Apparently, author Deborah Seaman and your editors were misled by the old Anglo-English view of history and the world that Great Britain is England and England is Great Britain.

In fact, Cornwall is an ancient Celtic nation that predates Anglo-Saxon England. The other Celtic nations of Great Britain -- Scotland and Wales -- finally won devolution (basically getting the equivalent of a state legislature) in the 1990s. Cornwall still fights the good fight. But it is an uphill battle.

Please, Ms. Seaman, do visit Cornwall again. But remember, the next time you cross the Tamar River into Cornwall, you leave our neighbor England behind.


Robert Lyle

Fowey, Cornwall

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