
Hard-Liner Pipes Not Right for Peace Institute


“A Misdirected Attack,” your Aug. 17 editorial defending the Bush administration’s nomination of Daniel Pipes to the board of the U.S. Institute of Peace, inadequately considers the points raised by those opposed to his nomination. Pipes has consistently advocated that the United States and Israel use force as the primary means of dealing with their adversaries. Rarely, if ever, has he advised Tel Aviv and Washington to make use of peaceful and more sophisticated means of diplomacy -- even if it was in their interest to do so.

Regardless of the merits of such advice, it is clear that Pipes is a hard-liner. His views clash with the values that serve as the basis for the USIP. It is inappropriate for Pipes to serve on the organization’s board, and this is why his nomination has been fiercely opposed.

Arif Rafiq

Greenvale, N.Y.
