
Voters Uncommitted on Recall Candidates


The Times Poll on the recall (Aug. 24) reported that nearly half of the voters may change their minds before the vote because they are not enamored with their options. Maybe voters are looking for a reason not to vote for the recall. Gov. Gray Davis, who has a tough time getting messages, should pay attention. The voters have many options, but he has only one: a 30-second commercial that says, “A vote for Cruz is a vote for me. Keep us both and vote no on the recall. Experience counts.”

Linda Feldman

Los Angeles


Re “As Bustamante Gains, Davis Inches Toward Backing Him,” Aug. 22: What does Davis have against Cruz Bustamante? It seems to be clear that the polls show Davis’ judgment in leading California will be rejected by California citizens. His endorsement of Bustamante may not be a blessing.

Stanley C. Mellin

Rancho Palos Verdes


The reason voters are having trouble with Bustamante’s mixed message, “no on recall, yes on Bustamante,” is because Bustamante has given us no indication of what he would do differently than Davis. Why would we want to recall Davis just to get more of the same failed, liberal ideology? Democrats have had a monopoly on government for five years now, and they have spent us into a $38-billion deficit.


Bustamante would be no better. We need a contrast to Davis. Someone determined to exercise fiscal responsibility, to lower taxes and generate a business-friendly environment. We need a true-blooded, genuine Republican. Arnold Schwarzenegger is the best person for the job.

Don Faustman

San Fernando


Is there nothing left to the process of choosing political leaders besides money, image, name recognition and spin? Apparently not, because the Republicans have finally realized that if an honest discussion of issues ever took place, the majority would flatly reject the rise of this political machinery that is greased and geared only for the wealthy minority.

I loved Gov. Jesse Ventura, but at least he had some experience in public office and fought for the people. Arnold -- hasta la vista, baby.

Bob Schwarz

Santa Monica


Re “Wrong Time for a Change,” editorial, Aug. 22: Are you kidding, or do you really believe that “on most issues, Davis is in sync with a majority of Californians”? Like on the license fee increase? Or driver’s licenses for illegal immigrants? Or huge prison guard benefit packages? Or maybe you mean education and health care, which is the state equivalent of motherhood and apple pie.

While we may agree that Schwarzenegger and Peter Ueberroth sound like candidates for mayor of Vienna, California’s fiscal and political crises are so bad that even the opinions of neophytes should be welcomed. After all, it’s not just incompetence that got the governor in this fix. It’s a “pay to play” mentality that most Californians just can’t tolerate.

Doug Bell

San Diego
