
Conservatives Back Schwarzenegger


Re “National Conservative Groups Warm Up to Schwarzenegger,” Aug. 24: Arnold Schwarzenegger has a Democrat, Warren Buffett, advising him on economic matters. He is married to a Kennedy family Democrat. He is pro-choice on the issue of abortion; he is for a ban on assault weapons and for gay rights. Despite the fact that Schwarzenegger seems like more of a Democrat than Republican, conservatives are lining up in support of him. Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Huntington Beach) and other conservatives have endorsed Schwarzenegger for governor. So much for conservative principles.

Bill Seals

Los Angeles


I agree with Schwarzenegger that California is the most unfriendly state in the nation in which to do business. High taxes, a morass of a workers’ compensation system and plaintiff-friendly employment laws make hiring prohibitively expensive.

It’s easier to move your workforce out of state than to pay teams of lawyers to navigate the ridiculous laws passed in recent years.


Unfortunately, years of Democrat control has left us on a spiral down the toilet. In my opinion, this recall can’t come soon enough. Kick the liberal bums out.

Franco Fernandez

Walnut Creek, Calif.


I see in Monday’s paper that Schwarzenegger has again declined to comment on one of the questions posed to the top-polling candidates. Here is the perfect example of why nobody should vote for him: Either he considers California voters to be too stupid to care about his proposals for dealing with our state or voters are too stupid to care. I think neither is the case.

Robert Briscoe Evans

Valley Village
