
Budget Is Symptom of Bureaucracy


I was disappointed to see that James Flanigan didn’t address the rapid growth in California’s government in “Gov. Davis’ Budget Blueprint Lacks Nerve,” Jan. 12.

Most commentators, either for ideological reasons or fear of controversy, accept the growth in government as a given, not to be challenged. The question then becomes, “Whom do we tax to pay for this growth?”

Sadly, under this philosophy, more and more control of everyone’s income goes to the government. And, of course, this means that each individual slowly loses the right to choose how to best spend their own money.


Many of us who break our backs each day working to earn this money would rather not give up this choice, which is one of the elements that give our lives meaning.

Bob Klein

Los Angeles


Finally someone has the nerve to bring it up -- rethinking Proposition 13! I’ve been amazed at the lack of discussion on this.

Proposition 13 has wrecked this state’s infrastructure and needs a major overhaul.

Jamie Schwartzman

