
Union Stand Blamed for United Worker’s Woes

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I find it incongruous that the article “A United Employee Strives to Cope With the Carrier’s Downfall” (Jan. 20) was even written.

Sure, we can all feel bad for Tom Campbell, as he now is going to fewer movies and eating out less often. As to this incredible amount of stress Tom is going through, he might do well to consider these concepts.

Tom has a job. His union voted to not accept a 7% wage cut in early December. Now Tom is feeling bad because he has to take a 13% cut. The average machinist was making $70,000 a year and I am supposed to identify with Tom, who now takes home a measly $5,000 a month?


I believe that United Airlines could have received $1.5 billion in loan financing had the machinists union agreed to the original 7% wage cut. On top of this, if United does fail, where will Tom find employment?

Bruce Palmer

Long Beach
